Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Damn List

When I tell someone that I'm doing 50 New Things this year, everyone wants to know what's on the list.

I confess: I don't know yet.

The pressure! Yikes! And does it have to be interesting? Or daring? OMG! Do I post what I'm just thinking about or things I've actually done? I DON'T KNOW!

And that's part of the fun.

Here's what I'm currently considering.
1. Trip to NYC. Nope, been just about everywhere else except to the Big Apple. My fun friends who life there text me at least 1Xmonth asking me when I'm coming so I SWEAR I will be there before the end of the year.

2. Trip to Dominican Republic. Have a friend of a friend who lives there, sounds like a nice country to see, never been there either.

3. Help with a Habitat for Humanity House. One friend's daughter is doing this in Atlanta and she is loving it.

4. Publish a book. I have one that's almost finished (I have a compulsion to keep tweaking it) but even I am realizing it's time to stop and get the darn thing printed. More on that one later.

That's my list for now. Hmmm...40 more to go....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To add to your list:

Billy and I recently did one of the things I always wanted to do - parasail. Did it in Cozumel. Can cross it off the list.